Sunday, June 6, 2010

Of wireless and hotels

Call me pedantic, but finding wireless at hotels in Italy is proving to be a bit of a challenge.
(Rant follows...)

We've had huge difficulties finding wireless, or using wireless, at hotels and lodgings we've stayed at.

First of all, I firmly believe that Wireless internet should be included in the room tariff, or simply free. Sure, make the guests ask for a password, no problems with that, but have it available.
Some hotels we have stayed at, have done this.

Secondly, if you're going to charge, don't limit it to public areas of the hotel. If I'm going to pay your rates to use it, I don't want to sit in a lobby, I want to sit on my couch in my room.

Thirdly, just because you may be charging rates higher than I paid for dialup hours back in 1996, doesn't mean you have to make it as effective as dialup was. (IE, if I'm paying 5 euro an hour, then it should be at LEAST 1MB/sec to my lap. Not shared 1MB, not a single congested 11Mb or 54Mb access points. Multiple access points.

(Of course, I realise all of this costs money, which is why I'm saying, add 5euro per night to the room. It'll be invisible to me, and I'll be much happier paying for it that way.)

PS - 8 euro an hour, 19 euro a day, 1 euro per 15 minute on a slow crappy desktop in the lobby, none of these are acceptable.

that's all.. :D

1 comment:

  1. hehe, i have not say all hotels in Australia charge the same way. If it's free anywhere it's free only in the lobby, and only a few places even have that. I guess that's why most people use either their phones, 3g cards or just use free wifi at cafes/maccas etc.
