Today, coincidentally, coincided with the American Express VIP shopping day on Oxford St here in London. Basically, they closed the street to through traffic, and only allowed pedestrians.
We needed to buy a proper winter jacket for Rhiannon - her leather jacket is not only old and sullen, but also not really keeping her warm. So despite the cold weather, the threat of the first snow of the year, 1 blocked nose, 1 chest cold, 1 head cold combined with spacey, out of this world feeling, we ventured down to Oxford st, leaving our warm, comfy abode about 2:00pm.
Oxford St, apart from being famous for it's shopping strip, also has famous christmas lights strung up above the street. That's why we chose to leave home about 2 - we reasoned that, by the time we got to Oxford st, it'd be almost 3, and the lights would probably be on.
We spent some time in Marks and Spencers, and bought a nice, warm double breasted woolen coat for Rhiannon. It's not really long, but it'll definitely do the job - this was pointed out almost the moment we walked outside again. In fact - it works so well, that we were able to continue walking down the road, without hearing about how cold it was. (Well, in honesty, I complained a bit.)
After a freshly cooked, warm waffle with belgian chocolate and cherry syrup, we continued our walk, and took a few photos. Having got to the station and realised we didn't have the camera, we were stuck with the camera on my new blackberry. However, here are some photos for you.

It's pitch black. And it had been for at least half an hour. The photo above was taken at 4:30pm.
That's a London winter afternoon for you.

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