Saturday, November 6, 2010

A French Dinner...

As Rhiannon was working it the city this week, we've been travelling in and home together. Except last night, I finished at 7. So she met me at work and we went out for a bit before heading home.

We tripped over to Covent Garden, then commenced a slow amble that took us past Leicester Square and eventually to Piccadilly Circus.

We haven't been through this area so much at night, and were surprised to see amusement rides and stuff in the middle of the square.

We bypassed all the chain like pl aces and eventually ended up finding this tiny little French place, in a side street opposite Planet Hollywood. While only having a limited menu, the optiopns were typical french cafe style, offered in a two- or three- course option.

We got the two course option for 10.95 each and for once, both had dessert! Our nmain meal was, unsurprisingly the entrecote au poivre with chips. (That's steak with pepper sauce you uncultured louts). For 11 it was a really good steak both in size and cut. Remarkably, it was also cooked exactly as requested. The sauce was more like the entrecote I had down in Marseille. And that's not a complaint.

The desserts were ok, a creme caramel & chocolate mousse, but nothing great.

Anyway, as we were about to leave, the owner starts talking to us, turns out this is their first open night - and we just stumbled on to it. Definitely worth it, and I think we'll go again.

Tonight, we're heading off to Roundwood Park to see some Guy Fawkes fireworks. Unless it rains.

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