Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Spring has sprung...

It's kind of cool. When we first got here, not only was it absolutely freezing, grey overcast and depressing, but the trees out the back were stunted, grey, brown, boring tree trunks with branches.

Suddenly, in fact, before I've even realised, the trees out the back, as well as lining the streets, are beautiful greens. Filled with leaves and all that. There's birds around, the squirrels are getting frisky, overall, it's a far far stretch from when we first got here.

I'm choosing to think of it as summer is almost here, rather than "oh boy soon it's going to be cold again"

In addition - the days are getting LONG. It's still daylight at 9:00pm at night. Not full day light, but even during daylight savings, we don't get days that long at home.

1 comment:

  1. I used to live a bit lower than Wes when I was younger and I can remember playing tennis at 9.30pm WITHOUT any lights (no Daylight saving then either). The higher/lower the latitudes the longer the twilight. North and South Pole during winter is an example of the extreme and also the golf course in Finland where you can still play at 3am in summer.
