Tuesday, April 20, 2010

At least the weather is Sunny...

Because, as previously mentioned, I still haven't had much luck in finding a job.

That means, on one side, that I can sit here inside our gloriously sunlit flat, enjoying the sunlight and (comparative) warmth, safe in the knowledge that I don't need to work for money just now, that it's good to have a break and not have to work, or worry about working, or getting up or anything.

However, on the flip side, it's very very hard for me to correlate that with the psyche of a person who has never been out of work since he was 15, and who loved the challenges of his job, the problems to solve, and the excitement of finding solutions and learning things.

You see, I know all these things. I know we aren't worried about money, we can survive on Rhiannon's income, and we're not digging into our savings too much, so we're still on budget for our summer in Europe. I know I needed a break. I know it's good to be able to sleep in, and just do nothing.

But I'm so bored of not working. I'm so over spending hours trawling job sites, and submitting countless CVs. I'm over the lack of common courtesy that the agents demonstrate. I'm not talking about the ones who just don't respond if you aren't suitable - I'm talking about (most) of the ones who want to put you forward for roles, or will call you back once they talk to the client, or will give you feedback on why you weren't successful, or the ones who shortlist you. The ones with no common decency, who even after 3 follow up calls from the job seeker, still don't tell you shit, or return your calls. The ones who are probably just farming for CVs, so they can say to their potential clients "ohh look i've got 14 million candidates on our books"

To be fair, I have had some help from a few kind people reviewing my CV, and I've done at least a 3rd review now. There are still a couple of other ideas still up my sleeve to work with. I might even just start creating arbitrary job titles. Maybe I'm just not targetting my CV properly.

So, yea, I'm pretty over looking for jobs right now. On the plus side, my online survey-filling exploits have netted me almost £5, and my adsense revenue (over there on the right, in case you haven't noticed :P) is almost at $20.

It's all golden. I'm in London. I'm resiliant. I'm good at my job. There's bound to be something. And if not, well, we're off to Greece and Italy in just over a month, so I won't even need a job then.

(tell me I'm pretty.....)

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